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(57 Minutes)
[sound links in right column, below]

ERIK singing at the Confederate Memorial Day Ceremonies in the Romney, WV Courthouse. Image reversed r/l.

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In March 2002, the memory in Erik's groove box was nearly full of songs. Erik had recorded some of them from the groove box to audiotape for samples to show to local people in Frostburg. Several of the people requested to be able to buy the first cd.

I, ERIK, was impatient to get something into their hands, yet the people who were recording and mastering the music (Dan Merrill, Mike Folk, and Jon Felton) were not keeping up with my production rate.

So I took the groove box to the studio of film-maker Marc Slanger, and recorded most of the tunes in the groove box into his computer, from which he burned a cd.

Some of the tunes were made to be solos, others were to accompany singing. I changed each of the accompaniments to make them a little more like solos,

and shortened them in some cases.

I designed an insert for the jewel case, and Marc executed it in his photo shop software. Some of the design decisions were made by discussion between us.

Clockwise from the upper left, the people in the photos are: Myself in red; Jason Arnold, mayoral candidate for Frostburg (the photo was shot on election day, about 1998);

Annie, Briget Beres, and Cassen Pjura, former FSU students from around Towson, MD; the male Holloway children of Ralph Webb's Trailer Court near to Burlington, WV;

some belligerent priest. Please note that the chiefest figure in each photo is wearing the team's color.

The title WAY OUT THERE came from a restaurant assistant manager, Brian Morton.

When I suggested to him that his cruelty and bullying toward defenseless employees would result in bad karma, he said, "You're way out there." Thus, being "way out there" means being kind and merciful.


ERIK's Experimental Electronic Music 55 minutes, 15 tracks.


ORIGINALS AND TRADITIONALS. Some of the traditionals have been so "electronicized" that they are unrecognizable. See if you can identify what was the original tune.

Titles of the Compositions

1) mp3 file of Kitty Kat's Dance (original)

2) William the Conqueror (original)
    sound clip #1
    William the Conqueror (original)
    sound clip #2
    William the Conqueror (original)
    sound clip #3

3) Scotland the Brave sound clip

4) Anthony Wayne sound clip #1
      Anthony Wayne sound clip #2

5) Fairest Lo'ward Jesus sound clip

6) Old Hundred  sound clip #1
    Old Hundred  sound clip #2

7) Dancing Whales (original)
    sound clip

8) He Leadeth Me sound clip

9) Medley - Our Lo'ward Jesus Christ,
    All Creatures of Our God and King

10) Jumbo Johnnie Variation (original)         sound clip

11) Hygienic Celebration (original)

12) Jumbo Johnnie Variation (original)         sound clip

13) Immortal and Visible

14) Jumbo Johnnie Variation (original)

15) Robin Hood and the Widow's
      Three Sons (tune original)
      sound clip

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